Tag: Prime Minister

Matti Friedman delves into Benjamin Netanyahu's reticence with Israeli journalists amid Hamas' war, prompting an examination of Netanyahu's autobiography, "Bibi: My Story."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces strong criticism from various quarters for his conservative politics, alliances with right-wing parties, corruption charges, and perceived prioritization of power over national interests.
The text discusses Lon Blum, a significant figure in French history who served as Prime Minister three times, was a socialist activist, and bravely opposed the pro-Nazi Vichy regime.
Menachem Begin, Israel's sixth prime minister, embodied the concept of "hadar," which combines dignity, honor, and self-respect.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the recent intense ceremonial days in Israel, including a split-screen Independence Day, a notable Memorial Day address, and the absence of the prime minister.
This text discusses the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting the difficult position Israel is in.
In Episode 5 of the Israel Update, Mike visits Israel and highlights a strong sense of unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly among those in active military service.
The author, Mike Doran, recounts his visit to Israel and describes the strong unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly those in active military service.
Gabriel Attal, France's new prime minister, is making headlines for being the country's youngest prime minister at 34 and its first openly gay prime minister.
Gabriel Attal, France's youngest-ever prime minister and first openly gay prime minister, has spoken about how his Jewish ancestry has shaped him.
Israel's Supreme Court made two controversial decisions this week, striking down a constitutional amendment and asserting its authority to remove a sitting prime minister.
In Israel Update: Episode 3, Michael Doran and Gadi Taub discuss recent events in Israeli jurisprudence.
This text is a quiz featuring questions related to Jewish history and culture.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the lessons Israelis can learn from recent events regarding peace with Palestinians and whether support for Prime Minister Netanyahu remains strong.
"Golda" is a film that portrays the life of Golda Meir, Israel's first and only female prime minister, focusing on her leadership during the Yom Kippur War.
Chaim Levinson of Haaretz discusses Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a conversation on the Unholy Podcast.
In a recent update on the chaotic events in Israel, Yonit and Jonathan discuss a tumultuous 24 hours which involved mass protests after the defense minister was dismissed, trade unions and bosses staging a general strike, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu eventually offering a "timeout" on the judicial overhaul.
In a recent episode of Unholy Podcast, the hosts Yonit and Jonathan, along with special guest Ilana Dayan, discuss the ongoing protests and internal debate within the coalition regarding judicial reform, noting a moment when the prime minister appeared on the verge of conceding.
In this article, the author discusses the political career and traits of Boris Johnson, the former British Prime Minister.
Benjamin Netanyahu has formed his sixth government in Israel, returning as prime minister with a right-wing coalition.
This article highlights an interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest-serving prime minister of Israel, discussing his moments of decision-making.
In an interview with Mosaic, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-tenured leader, discusses the process of political decision-making in his career.
With Israeli politics approaching its fifth election in three and a half years, speculation arises about the potential brevity of Yair Lapid's term as Prime Minister.
In "The Stakes Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover the potential implications of Benjamin Netanyahu being re-elected as Prime Minister and discuss Israel negotiating a significant treaty with Lebanon that Prime Minister Yair Lapid chooses not to bring to the Knesset for ratification.
In this episode of The Stakes Edition, hosts Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss two important topics: what would happen if Benjamin Netanyahu becomes Prime Minister, and the issue of Prime Minister Yair Lapid not bringing an historic treaty with Lebanon to the Knesset for ratification.