Tag: Pro Israel

The discussion surrounding potential replacements for President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee could have significant implications for Israel.
The LAPD admits to being unprepared for a violent protest outside an LA synagogue where pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters clashed, with accusations of a pogrom.
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) reached out to a Jewish leader in Westchester County for a photo to show his friendship with Jewish people during a primary election against challengers who gained support from the Jewish community.
A highly shared AI graphic titled "All Eyes on Rafah" depicting a tent city sparked a debate on social media about the Israel-Hamas conflict, with pro-Israel responses challenging pro-Palestinian activism.
Pro-Israel Jewish students at Duke University have not faced the same level of protests seen at other campuses, allowing them to focus on proactive initiatives.
The article delves into the intersection of art and politics in the context of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
In a lively debate, Rep. Jamaal Bowman accused his primary challenger, George Latimer, of receiving funding from pro-Israel donors, claiming these funders aim to harm democracy.
Jewish Democrats in Maryland express concern as Democratic candidates, including Sen. Chris Van Hollen and Rep. Jamie Raskin, shift towards more left-wing, critical stances on Israel.
At Washington University, two Jewish seniors, Emma Platt and Lila Steinbach, both with deep Jewish backgrounds, shared a sense of loss amidst campus tensions over Israel and Palestine.
A viral Google Doc titled "Is your fav author a zionist?" has sparked concerns about antisemitism in the literary world, categorizing authors as Pro-Israel/Zionist, Pro-Palestinian/Anti-Zionist, or "its complicated."
Over 400 Jewish students at Columbia University have signed an open letter defending their support for Israel and expressing concerns about harassment they faced during pro-Palestinian protests on campus.
The article discusses a violent incident at UCLA where a pro-Israel group attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment, leading to a cycle of violence.
The text discusses recent antisemitic protests on American university campuses, including incidents at Columbia University, the University of Southern California, and others.
Reps. Ritchie Torres, a Democrat, and Mike Lawler, a Republican from New York, have introduced a bill named the COLUMBIA Act that would enable the federal government to appoint antisemitism monitors on college campuses, particularly in response to concerns raised by anti-Israel protests at Columbia University.
The University of Southern California (USC) rescinded the commencement speech invitation for Asna Tabassum, a pro-Palestinian valedictorian, following pressure from pro-Israel groups.
Howard Kohr, the CEO of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) for nearly 30 years, has led the organization to significant influence in Washington by staying out of the spotlight and focusing on backroom negotiations rather than public persuasion.
Josh Radnor reflects on his experience starring in the play "The Ally," where he plays a Jewish theater professor caught in a dilemma regarding his progressive values and allyship amidst issues surrounding Israel and Palestine.
Israeli and Jewish artists performing in the U.S. are facing threats and boycotts due to their connection to Israel or vocal support for the country.
Representative Ritchie Torres, a progressive from New York, shares his unique journey as a supporter of Israel, despite his upbringing in poverty and lack of exposure to Jewish communities.
Journalist and former CNN commentator John Avlon has shifted his focus from punditry to politics by entering the primary in New York's 1st Congressional District to challenge a vulnerable Republican incumbent.
Rep. Ritchie Torres, a New York Democrat and vocal supporter of Israel, recently left the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group he joined to champion low-income urban constituents.
The writer discusses the personal evolution of their views on Israel, recounting experiences of conflict with friends holding anti-Israel sentiments.
Across Canada, pro-Israel 'bloody pants' protests are emerging, with a recent one in Vancouver organized by a group called Nonviolent Opposition Against Hate (NOAH), founded by Israeli expats, to counter anti-Israel sentiments.
The Jewish Book Council has launched an initiative to collect reports of antisemitism in the literary world, following a wave of incidents targeting Jewish creatives during the Israel-Hamas war.