Tag: Professional Development

Following the events of Oct. 7 and the Israel-Gaza war, there has been a notable shift in the Jewish professional workforce, with an increasing number of talented individuals from outside the Jewish communal space showing interest in joining Jewish organizations like the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America.
Jewish educators are encouraged to transform uncertainty into educational opportunities surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with tools and skills provided by programs like Conflicts of Interest by The iCenter.
Jewish summer camps in North America are adapting their programming this year to address the challenges posed by recent events such as the war in Gaza and Oct. 7.
The Jewish Community Professionals Conference will focus on building emotional resilience and well-being in the face of recent challenges, with various sessions addressing topics such as leadership during difficult times, connecting with others, and measuring impact.
The discussion in "The Elephant in the Therapy Room: The Conversation Continues" revolves around the age and life experience of therapists, particularly within the frum community.
The field of Israel education, as highlighted by The iCenter's work and researcher Shelley Billig's report, emphasizes a learner-centered approach that incorporates narratives, experiential learning, and nuanced understanding of Israel's complexities.
The work of promoting Israel education has undergone changes and remained unwavering despite recent events, emphasizing adaptability and the importance of engaging learners authentically.
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understanding of Judaism in students, beyond just knowledge acquisition.
In Chapter 29 of "For Granted," Dini and Ayala discuss the need for an office to do their administrative work.
Washington state is considering legislation that would mandate Holocaust education in public schools by 2027-28.
Tamar Shames, an educator, shares her passion for helping struggling learners find success in the school system.
Birthright Israel Onward is introducing a monthlong professional development program in Tel Aviv called the Sullam Israel Residency.
The article discusses a partnership called "To Teach and To Learn" between the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund in San Francisco and American Jewish University.
In this article, the author reflects on their experience of feeling unemployable and their entry into the Wexner Field Fellowship.
Succession planning is crucial for Jewish organizations, yet many fail to prioritize it.
This text discusses the importance of trust in various aspects of life, with a focus on its significance in Jewish life.
Chief, a company founded by Lindsay Kaplan and Carolyn Childers, aims to provide professional support and a confidential network for women in executive-level positions.
The text discusses the topic of Orthodox women's leadership in Jewish communities, focusing on the barriers women face in attaining high-level leadership positions and suggesting proactive approaches to address these challenges.