Tag: Progressive Democrats

George Latimer, a centrist who emphasized a pro-Israel stance, defeated Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York's 16th Congressional district.
At a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, criticism of Israel and AIPAC was prominent, with calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, objections to AIPAC's support for Bowmans opponent, and disagreements over Israels actions in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Concerned about what they perceive as rising antisemitism in the upcoming primary between Congressman Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer, a Jewish get-out-the-vote effort in New York's 16th district is mobilizing hundreds of volunteers to ensure Jewish voices are heard amid the clash between centrists supportive of Israel and progressives critical of it.
The text discusses how certain intellectuals and academics have historically viewed working-class and rural Americans as threats to American society and democracy, comparing them to Nazis and portraying them as authoritarian and dangerous.
As campus protests concerning Israel and Palestine escalate, President Joe Biden finds himself torn between protecting free speech and countering antisemitism.
The U.S. House of Representatives approved a $26 billion Israel-Gaza aid package with overwhelming support, including funding for Israel's defense and humanitarian aid for Gaza.
Sen. Chuck Schumer, a prominent Jewish leader, called for new elections in Israel, expressing criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and advocating for a two-state solution while defending Israel's right to fight against Hamas.
Reject AIPAC, a coalition of left-leaning groups, was launched as a response to American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) influence in Congress and its spending to diminish critics of Israel, particularly in Democratic primaries.
In a special edition of the Haaretz Podcast, the editorial team asked readers their pressing questions about the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The progressive wing of the Democratic Party has suffered a blow in the midterm elections, with their policy agenda, theory of partisan politics, and theory of the American constitution now seemingly dead.
This week, the U.S. Congress passed a bill providing $1 billion in funding to replenish Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system.
The recent blocking of $1 billion of U.S. military aid to Israel by Congress is a turning point and a wakeup call for Israel to reassess its reliance on American aid.
Mondaire Jones, the newly elected Democratic representative from New York's 17th congressional district, discusses his swift rise in politics and his role as a freshman representative to the House leadership.