Tag: Queer Jews

Queer Jews, both Zionists and anti-Zionists, have encountered challenges in feeling accepted within their communities post Oct. 7.
The article discusses the concerns of queer Jews about participating in Pride events due to safety and geopolitical conflicts affecting their Jewish identity.
As Pride month unfolds, tensions are rising for LGBTQ Jews due to discord over Israel.
Queer Jews are expressing fear of discrimination at Pride events due to increasing antisemitism and anti-Zionist sentiment within the LGBTQ community, exemplified by bans on Jewish symbols like Israeli flags and Stars of David at some marches.
In the aftermath of an attack on Oct. 7, which led to a strong display of Jewish unity, there is a call for this unity to include queer Jews.
A recent article explores the experiences of young queer Jews in prayer spaces and their efforts to find inclusion.
The Jewish community has progressed from acknowledging queer Jews to actively working towards their inclusion in Jewish law and practice.