Tag: Rabbi Aharon Feldman

Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent observance with the Charedi community's dedication to Halacha and Jewish studies, the author argues that the future of Judaism lies with the right-wing Centrists or Charedim due to their commitment and growing numbers.
The text highlights a situation where a Charedi individual received a video from their employer depicting unity, but found it offensive due to the contrast between those serving in the army reserves, sacrificing time away from family, and those not participating in such service.
In this article, the author discusses the response of the charedi Jewish community to controversial statements made by one of their rabbinic figures, Rav Bunim Schreiber.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein reviewed Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" and engaged in a dialogue with Rabbi Feldman regarding their differing views on feminist halachah and secular Zionism.
Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" delves into various contentious issues within the Jewish community, focusing on topics such as Zionism and feminism from a critical perspective.