Tag: Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Rabbi Daniel Cohen emphasizes the importance and power of crafting a meaningful eulogy, highlighting that it is a crucial moment to honor the deceased and bring comfort to the grieving.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the fragility of life and the importance of living with a sense of urgency and purpose in his personal narrative about a life-altering event that changed his perspective.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the important lesson he has learned from officiating at hundreds of funerals - that people remember moments, not days.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on his experience officiating hundreds of funerals, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful moments in people's lives.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman's funeral in Stamford, Connecticut, drew a diverse crowd of mourners who remembered him as a model of decency and bipartisan cooperation that is lacking in today's politics.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen delivered a moving eulogy for Senator Joe Lieberman, highlighting his integrity, faith, and kindness both in his public and personal life.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen of Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford, Connecticut, reflects on his congregant, the late Sen. Joseph Lieberman, who passed away at 82.
In episode 208 of "Unorthodox," the podcast discusses the tragic anti-Semitic shooting in a Jersey City kosher market before delving into the real story of Hanukkah as explained by Rabbi Ari Lamm, focusing on Jews battling assimilation.