Tag: Religiosity

The letters from the summer 2024 issue discuss various topics in the Jewish community.
The text discusses the upcoming solar eclipse in North America, prompting a reflection on Jewish teachings regarding eclipses.
A 2021 Pew study highlighted the decline of religiosity within American Jewry, particularly among young adults who view their Judaism as purely ethnic or cultural.
A UK survey found that religiously affiliated individuals are happier, more optimistic, and feel more confident in dealing with life's challenges compared to atheists.
The article discusses common misconceptions about Israelis and aims to debunk five common stereotypes.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, the founder of Nishma Research, Mark Trencher, discusses the financial aspects of Orthodox Jewish life.
In the conclusion of the article "OTD: Leaving Religion," the author reflects on their own journey of leaving religion three years prior.
In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, David interviews Philo Judaeus, a former member of the Orthodox Jewish community and moderator of the Frum/OTD Dialogue Facebook group.