Tag: Religious Communities

During Passover, Jews are reminded of the value of inclusion and welcoming all to learn about traditions.
In his book "The Adjectival Liberal and The Kingship of God," Michael Walzer proposes defending liberalism not as an overarching ideology, but as a way of being.
Ilana Horwitz, a professor at Tulane University, discusses her recent book that highlights the role of religion in American children's educational performance.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, documentary filmmaker Rachel Grady discusses the unique power of documentaries to portray communities from the inside.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, filmmaker Rachel Grady discusses the unique power of documentaries in portraying communities from the inside.
The "manel phenomenon," in which all-male panels dominate public discussions in the Modern Orthodox community, is a concerning issue.
Don Futterman, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron delve into three significant topics in Jewish history and current events, including the controversy surrounding a joint declaration by the Prime Ministers of Israel and Poland on WWII, the debate over religious individuals moving into a struggling Tel Aviv neighborhood to enhance Jewish identity, and the role of sports in a Jewish state.
Ari Lamm discusses the perception of a lack of direct conversation about God within Modern Orthodox Judaism, attributing this trend to a broader pragmatic approach in American religious thought, focusing on practical implications of belief in God.