Tag: Religious Symbolism

God is said to be punishing humanity for misdeeds through an upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, with biblical references such as the Book of Amos and the Book of Joel alluding to the darkening of the sun and moon as signs of calamity.
The question of whether Jewish children should sing Christmas carols sparks a range of opinions among different Jewish denominations.
Judy Chicago, a feminist artist, has recently acknowledged the importance of her Judaism in her artwork.
The author reflects on their conflicted relationship with Catholicism and their Jewish identity.
In this short story, Joel Bar Yehia, the owner of a golem factory, is facing a drought that has caused production to come to a halt due to a lack of resources.
This collection of five poems by Ben Corvo explores the turning of the year from Elul to Tishrei in Jewish observance.
The text discusses the material dimension of Hasidism, focusing on the sacred objects and artistic creations associated with the movement.
The text discusses the trend of beards in fashion and the historical significance of beards in Jewish culture.