Tag: Religious Tradition

This YouTube video focuses on preparing the kitchen for Passover by doing thorough spring cleaning.
The video discusses being a Shabbat guest and includes topics like hostess gifts, sourdough, food, meal prep, and recipes.
The text discusses the modern challenges to belief in Judaism, with questions arising about the veracity and relevance of Torah stories and laws in today's society.
The author reflects on their resistance to feeling grief and the importance of embracing it.
In this discussion, Izzy Pludwinski, a sofer, explores the significance of Hebrew calligraphy in Jewish tradition.
The Promised Podcast Pesach-Palooza!
The author discusses the skepticism around the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days during Hanukkah and the denial of miracles in general in the context of the Enlightenment.
In the book "Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures" by Moshe Koppel, the author explores the enduring nature of traditional Judaism and defends Orthodox Judaism as a model for societal cohesion.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Menachem Penner and his son, Gedalia, discuss their experience in reconciling their family's religious tradition with Gedalia's sexual orientation as a member of the LGBTQ community.
This article discusses the intentions of Rav Elhanan Nir for Rosh Hashanah, focusing on his series of four poems entitled "Intentions" (Kavvanot).
In the Letters from Spring 2020, Menachem Lorberbaum, Michael Walzer, Noam Zohar, and Elisheva Carlebach discuss their project, "The Jewish Political Tradition," clarifying that it aims to present Jewish arguments about politics thematically, not as a history.
In 1918, amidst the influenza epidemic, the Yiddish Forverts published guidance from Rabbi Gavriel Zev Margolis, known as Reb Velvele, on adjusting mourning practices for those affected by the pandemic.
Rabbi Arthur Green, a liberal theologian and scholar of Jewish mysticism, has played a significant role in the development of Neo-Hasidism.