Tag: Reproductive Rights

Jewish tradition has long supported emergency abortions to protect maternal health, even stating that a person's life takes precedence over the fetus.
Daphne Lazar Price, the executive director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA), spoke at a conference about supporting women in the Orthodox community.
A Missouri judge upheld the state's abortion ban, dismissing a lawsuit by a group of 14 interfaith clergy, including rabbis, who argued the ban violated religious freedom.
The article discusses the recent condemnation of in vitro fertilization (IVF) by the Southern Baptist Convention and its implications for reproductive rights, particularly in light of the ongoing threats to abortion rights.
Between March 8 and April 22, Hadassah engaged in various global initiatives, including campaigns to end silence on crimes against women by Hamas, advocacy for women's health and reproductive rights, and a solidarity mission to sites affected by violence.
The article discusses a couple's decision to let go of their frozen embryos due to fears of losing reproductive rights amidst legal changes affecting abortion and reproductive care, particularly in the context of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryo status.
The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling equating embryos with children has caused concern among American Jews relying on IVF, fearing loss of control over frozen embryos and restrictions on fertility treatments.
This article discusses the intersection of abortion rights and Jewish religious freedom in the United States.
This article tells the story of the author's great-grandparents, Louis and Frannie Weiner, who were involved in a bootleg contraception operation in the 1920s when birth control was illegal.
The discovery of a lost Yiddish play from the early 20th century has shed light on the struggles of women regarding marriage, motherhood, and reproductive rights.
The Supreme Court has recently overturned the precedents set in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, leaving the issue of abortion to be decided at the state level.