Tag: Republicans

The podcast discusses cultural confusion regarding political correctness, law, and the mistreatment of women, then shifts to the Democratic party's claim that Republicans are undermining voting rights.
The text discusses President Joe Biden's statement that wearing a mask, even for fully vaccinated individuals in the company of other fully vaccinated people, is a patriotic act.
In a recent semi-State of the Union address, Joe Biden put forward ambitious spending proposals which may raise concerns about their feasibility and impact on voter turnout.
The Real Lincoln Project Scandal revolves around the controversial behavior of John Weaver, a former political operative and co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.
The Commentary podcast discusses the potential risks in the new stimulus package, highlighting Ben Sasse's criticism of Republicans in his state.
The podcast discusses how President Joe Biden's approach to negotiating with Republicans or pushing through his own COVID relief package is crucial for his presidency early on.
In this podcast discussion, the topic of a potential negotiation between President Biden and ten Republicans regarding bipartisan COVID relief is raised.
The podcast discusses whether Democrats risk appearing extreme by overplaying their hand politically in 2022, or if Republicans in states like Oregon are endangering the GOP by embracing conspiracy theories and falsehoods.
Congress is revisiting the topic of impeaching President Donald Trump, with Republicans feeling pressured and hesitant to support such a move, while Democrats are not actively encouraging betrayal of Trump.
The podcast discusses the significance of the recent Democratic victories in Georgia, highlighting how the Republicans had control of the House, Senate, and White House four years ago but have now lost this power to the Democrats.
The podcast discusses the criticism aimed at Republicans by the Biden team, questions if Biden was overly negative in his recent "I won" speech, and explores the idea that Democrats are perceived as opposing fun.
The podcast analyzes recent polling data indicating success for the GOP in House and Senate races, suggesting they will keep their majority in the next term.
The text discusses the need to anticipate a potential Biden presidency and Democratic control of Congress as polls show a shift away from the current president.
The text discusses the uncertainty surrounding the consequences of Republicans confirming a new Supreme Court justice despite Democratic objections.
The second night of the Democratic National Convention received criticism for featuring too many Republicans, leaving Democratic supporters frustrated.
Attorney General William Barr recently faced questioning on Capitol Hill that appeared largely focused on partisan interests rather than genuine inquiry.
In the recent midterm election, the Democrats won control of the House of Representatives after over eight years, while the Republicans increased their majority in the Senate.
In a discussion led by Allison, Don, and Noah, three significant topics are covered: Prime Minister Netanyahu displays open support for American Republicans, sparking concerns about potential consequences; 106 generals urge Netanyahu to launch a regional peace process, raising questions about the involvement of the military in peace negotiations; and changes in Jewish conversion rules in Israel prompt reflections on the authority of the Rabbis.
The author embarks on a journey to discover why his grandfather, a Jewish teenager named David Dombroff, fought in the Spanish Civil War as part of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.