Tag: Rosh Chodesh

Shabbat times for January 5-12 are provided for various cities.
The gabbais klap is a traditional practice in Jewish synagogues, where the gabbai, or synagogue official, slams his hand on the bimah to remind the congregation to say specific prayers or make additions during the Amidah prayer.
The Yaaleh ve-Yavo prayer recited during Jewish holidays and Rosh Chodesh serves as a substitute for the Temple sacrifices and invokes ancestral virtues and Messianic hopes.
The text discusses a series of dialogues involving Rav Hisda, Abaye, and others, reflecting on themes of self-doubt, imperfection, and prayer.
In Rabbi Elchanan Adler's book "Yerach Tov: Birkat HaChodesh in Jewish Law and Liturgy," he delves into the intricate details of the prayer for the new month, Birkat Hachodesh, recited on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh.