Tag: Seder Night

In preparation for Pesach, a Jewish writer reflects on the annual tradition of cleaning out cupboards and baking for the holiday.
A vegan Cauliflower Waldorf salad recipe is shared as an ideal dish for Seder night or yom tov lunch due to its ability to be prepared in advance and maintain its taste.
As Passover approaches, the heavy atmosphere of recent events weighs on many Jewish minds, with concerns ranging from anti-Semitism to conflicts in the Middle East.
This Sicilian Pesach chicken recipe is a quick and flavorful addition to your Passover menu, ideal for Seder night and easily scalable for a larger group.
Pesach can feel like a kitchen-driven servitude with endless cooking.
The author reflects on the meaningful questions asked by children, such as whether God wears pyjamas or if we are images in God's dream.
The article discusses the relevance of the Passover story to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, drawing parallels between the Ten Plagues and the current plague.
Susan Weingarten's book "Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History" delves into the significance of haroset, a staple food of the Passover Seder, by exploring its historical evolution, cultural variations, and symbolic interpretations within Jewish tradition.
The author reflects on the two Passover tales told in their home: the traditional Exodus from Egypt and their family's personal story of escape from Velizh, a town in Stalin's Soviet Union.