Tag: Solitude

In this poem by Rachel Mennies titled "The Leaves," she reflects on solitude and resilience through the metaphor of leaves facing challenges.
The protagonist of the excerpt, a lover of literature, reflects on their devotion to books and their avoidance of anything that is not literature since the death of their father.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses their love for reading and television and how Shabbos has allowed them to reconnect with their childhood love of reading.
In this poem titled "Of Prayer in Solitude" by Dov Frank, the author describes his desire to pray alone in nature, away from the presence of other Jews.
In "Of Prayer in Solitude," Dov Frank explores the experience of praying alone in nature, away from the traditional Jewish community.
Writer Bill Deresiewicz, known as the Jew of the Week on Unorthodox, discusses his latest book "The End of Solitude," bemoaning the loss of the ability to be alone in the digital era.
The writer reflects on their experience during Rosh Hashanah in 2020 and contemplates the role of kingship and the complicity of the people in the decisions of their ruler.
The author reflects on William James' definition of religion as a personal experience in solitude, but argues that religion is inherently social and community-oriented.
The relationship between Jewish writers Saul Bellow and Bette Howland is explored in this text that delves into their deep emotional connection, marked by their shared experiences as writers.
Fowler, facing a flood and having refused evacuation, contemplates a distant light in the hills, indicating potential danger to his hideout.