Tag: Talmud

The significance of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah goes beyond a simple sound; it serves as a vehicle for transmitting the messages of Kingship and Remembrance, which are the main themes of the day.
Rabbi Chaim Rapoport explores HaRambam's approach to Aggada in this article.
In this article, Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that Orthodox rabbis need to take a stronger stance against guns, as they are the leading cause of death for children in the US.
Yale professor Steven Smith discusses the essay "Persecution and the Art of Writing" by Leo Strauss, a German Jewish philosopher.
In this article by R. Dr. Harvey Belovski, the author explores the encounters between philosopher Baruch Spinoza and the rabbis of his time, highlighting their significant impact on the Jewish and philosophical worlds.
In this article, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the significance of the Oral Law in Judaism, particularly in relation to the holiday of Shavuot.
The article discusses the rules of conversion to Judaism in biblical times and in the Talmudic period, highlighting the changes in the requirements and processes.
Rabbi Yosef Bitton discusses the concept of creation and its interpretation in Jewish thought, specifically focusing on the peshat, or plain meaning, of the text.
The article discusses the importance of making Torah study accessible and the positive impact it has on Jewish engagement.
The author recounts a personal experience of losing her wallet and how she turned to the Jewish practice of donating charity in the name of Rabbi Meir, also known as the Master of Miracles, to help find the lost object.
In this video by Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo, the question of whether decrees made by an earlier Bet Din (rabbinical court) can be nullified is explored.
The text argues that Judaism and Zionism are inseparable, rooted in the biblical narrative of God's promise of a land to Abraham and his descendants.
This article discusses the history of Jews in Iran and the important role of the Hakhamim (religious scholars) in the community.
In this text, titled "Sir Moses and the Spanish & Portuguese Jews," Rabbi Joseph Dweck and Rabbi Dr. Abraham Levy discuss the historical significance and contributions of Sir Moses Montefiore to the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community.
Purim Katan, or Little Purim, is a lesser-known celebration that occurs in Jewish leap years when there are two months of Adar.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the question of whether Jews should integrate or isolate themselves from the world.
The Talmudic text in Perek Helek explores the concept of how our good actions can impact the world's redemption.
The Talmud recognizes child marriage as a harm-reduction measure to protect poor orphaned girls from sexual exploitation.
Miriam Anzovin, a non-Orthodox woman, has gained popularity on TikTok with her humorous and accessible recaps of the Talmud.
In this text, Rabbi Daniel Roselaar discusses the status of Shabbat desecrators in Jewish law.
The author explores the differences and similarities between the study of Talmud in yeshivas and in university departments of Talmud.
In this text, Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the requirements for Torah study, drawing insights from ibn Ezra's Yesod Mora.
In this article, Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo discusses the topic of tekhelet, the blue dye used in ancient Jewish textiles.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Ari Bergmann, a PhD and financier, discusses the economic benefits of shemittah, which is the year when the land is allowed to rest.
In "Bastard, Orphan . . . Jew?", Andrew Porwancher's book on Alexander Hamilton's Jewish identity is discussed.