Tag: Talmud

In this Q&A session with Rabbi Joseph Dweck, the discussion revolves around the question of whether everyone should strive to become Haredim, or ultra-Orthodox Jews.
Tractate Gittin, which discusses Jewish divorce documents (gett), is structured in a backward manner, starting with sending a gett overseas before addressing the more basic questions about gett writing and its purpose.
The Talmud is a complex and sprawling Jewish text, consisting of 63 volumes and filled with legalistic inquiries, fantastical tales, philosophical meditations, and personal interactions.
The article reflects on a viral picture of a fox at the Kotel on Tisha B'Av, with some viewing it as a sign of redemption.
In a morning briefing from The Forward, a debate on Jewish identity is highlighted in Christopher Nolan's biopic "Oppenheimer," examining the contrasting approaches to Judaism between J. Robert Oppenheimer and Adm. Lewis Strauss.
The author reflects on his experiences as a Jew and his relationship with the sea.
A yeshiva in Brooklyn, Tents of Torah, has been found to be not providing the required secular curriculum by the New York City Department of Education.
The article discusses the role of Targum Onqelos in the study of the Hebrew Bible, or Miqra.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Joshua Foer, co-founder of Sefaria, discusses the creation of a comprehensive digital library for Jewish texts.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck participated in a Q&A session where he discussed various topics related to Torah and Sephardic Jewish traditions.
In "Appreciating Aggada: The Andalusian Tradition and Rav Kook's Ein Ayah", Avner Yeshurun explores the Aggada, a genre of Talmudic literature that incorporates non-legalistic and narrative teachings.
In "The Authenticity of Kabbalah: Letters between Rabbi Kook & Rabbi Qafih," author Ben Rothstein explores the correspondence between two influential Jewish rabbis regarding the authenticity of Kabbalah.
Artichokes have been consumed by Jews for centuries, as mentioned in the Mishna and Talmud.
In this video by Rabbi Naftali Haleva, the rich history and structure of the Turkish Jewish community are discussed.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, computer scientist and Talmud scholar Moshe Koppel discusses the intersection of Torah and artificial intelligence (AI).
Fans of Taylor Swift have been experiencing amnesia after attending her Eras tour concert, with many unable to remember important details of the performance.
This article explores the mysterious figure known as Monsieur Shoshani, who was a teacher to influential Jewish figures in the 20th century.
This article discusses the increasing opportunities for women to study Torah and the impact it is having on Jewish communities.
Dr. Shana Strauch Schick discusses the concept of mivot (commandments) and whether they require intention or kavana.
Daveed Diggs, a Jewish actor, is playing the role of Sebastian the crab in the live-action remake of The Little Mermaid.
The article explores the mechanics of reciting the Kaddish prayer on behalf of others and the theological assumptions underlying this practice.
Johannes Eisenmenger spent 19 years deceiving the Jewish community, studying the Talmud, and then authoring a lengthy text that portrayed the Talmud negatively.
The question of why the tractate Gittin (divorce law) comes before Kiddushin (marriage law) in the Talmud has been pondered by many.
"If All the Seas Were Ink" is a memoir about a recently divorced American-Israeli living in Jerusalem who takes on the practice of Daf Yomi, reading a page from the Talmud every day for seven years.
Rabbi Amrom Nemeth discusses the principle of batel beshishim in kashrut.