Tag: Talmud

This article explores the origins and meaning of the period of Sefirat Ha-omer, a time associated with mourning and restrictions in Jewish practice.
During the pandemic, the author found solace and connection with nature in the mystical Jewish text, Perek Shirah.
In this text, Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo discusses the connection between the counting of the Omer and the famous Rabbi Aqiba.
This article explores the concept of different categories in Judaism, such as man, woman, Jew, non-Jew, slave, poor person, and rich person.
Rabbi Yosef Zarnighian discusses the Haggadah and its role in educating children.
"The Joy of Purim—Alcohol Not Included" explores the author's personal struggle with the tradition of drinking on Purim and the deeper meaning behind the joy of the holiday.
The article explores the tension in Jewish thought between the idea of yeridat ha-dorot, the decline of the generations, and aliyat ha-dorot, the ascent of the generations.
The Torah does not explicitly address betting on the Super Bowl, but many rabbis disapprove of gambling, citing Talmudic teachings that frown upon it, though recreational betting may be viewed differently than professional gambling.
This article explores the ethical implications of watching American football, particularly in light of the brain damage that players often suffer.
In this episode, the Talmud's prohibition of sorcery is explored alongside the presence of magic in Jewish history.
In this text, Rabbi Dr. Marc Shapiro discusses the influential figure of Rabbi Yosef Qafih, who was a leading Yemenite rabbi and scholar.
The author discusses the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and its perceived religious-like qualities.
The article discusses the themes of Jewish migrations and Jewish luck in two movies featured at the New York Jewish Film Festival: the 1939 film "A brivele der mamen (A Letter to Mother)" and the documentary "Jews of the Wild West".
"The Soul of the Mishna" by Yakov Nagen is a collection of 72 essays that explore the meaning and depth of the Mishnah, emphasizing that it is not just a manual of rules but a source of inspiration.
In the Winter 2023 issue of the Jewish Review of Books, editor Abraham Socher discusses an essay by Hillel Halkin that challenges the idea of Jews as the chosen people and questions whether Israel has failed to become a normal nation.
This text appears to be a description or promotion of a lecture by Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary on the topic of Azal's views on Greco-Roman culture and philosophy.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's new coalition agreements in Israel, questioning their validity given his history of not fulfilling promises.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's reluctance to honor the coalition agreements he signed.
The article discusses the question of why Hanukkah is an eight-day holiday, even outside of Israel where most other holidays have an additional day added.
Tablet Studios, known for their popular Jewish podcast Unorthodox, also produced several other podcasts in 2022.
Dr. Henry Abramson discusses First and Second Temple Judaism in this video.
"Hanukkah" is a poem by Avrom Liessen that reflects on the author's childhood memories of the holiday.
This article explores the absence of a tractate dedicated to the festival of Hanukkah in classical rabbinic literature.
The author discusses the skepticism around the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days during Hanukkah and the denial of miracles in general in the context of the Enlightenment.
Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Belsky was known for his immense intellect, encompassing a deep understanding of Torah and the scientific and mathematical knowledge to apply halachah in practical situations.