Tag: Talmud

In this discussion by R. Dr Alan Kimche, the life and approach of R. Samson Raphael Hirsch is explored.
In this text, Rabbi Yosef Zarnighian discusses the connection between Hanukkah and the Hebrew Biblical Canon.
This is a description for a Talmud study session focused on the fourth part of Masekhet Sanhedrin.
In a recent episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David accidentally spills coffee on a Klansman's robe and feels obligated to have it cleaned.
The article discusses the significance of the Jewish calendar, particularly in the context of the Jewish concept of time.
This text appears to be a promotional message for a Talmud study series called "Masekhet Sanhedrin (1) - R Abe Faur."
Rabbi Joseph Dweck gave a special shiur (lesson) in Hebrew, addressing various topics.
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler was a revered figure in the Jewish community, well-known for his Torah and academic achievements.
This text is a personal reflection on the author's relationship with two significant Jewish teachers and the impact they had on his learning.
The story of Rabbi Elazar ben Dordaya, as found in Avodah Zarah 17a, is a well-known tale of redemption and repentance.
The article discusses the third part of the Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World series, focusing on Rabbi Haim David HaLevi.
This text is an introduction and invitation to a series of shiurim (Jewish classes) called "Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World," which are being conducted by R. Matloub Abadi and R. Jack Cohen.
The text is promoting a membership program for a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura.
This essay discusses the issue of excessive rabbinic honorifics and the pitfalls associated with them.
The text discusses the concept of Nezirut, or Nazir, which is the act of taking a vow to abstain from cutting hair, touching a corpse, and consuming grape products.
The custom of staying up all night to learn Torah on Shavuot is believed to be a way of atoning for our ancestors' failure to be awake during the Revelation at Sinai.
In this article, the author reflects on the teachings of the Talmud regarding living through a pandemic.
The text discusses the debate among academic scholars of rabbinic literature regarding the historical accuracy of the Talmud and the reliability of attributions to rabbis.
In this discussion, Rabbi Isaac Tawil explores the approach to Aggadah and Midrashim in the Talmud.
The Talmudic tractate Shekalim is a love song to taxes and why they matter.
Judaism has a long tradition of embracing and celebrating argument and dissent.
The Daf Yomi cycle, which involves daily Talmud learning, will soon be studying Tractate Shekalim, which is different from the usual Talmudic texts.
"Life in Learning" is a book that explores the world of Orthodox Jewish yeshivas and the significance of Torah study in Jewish life.
Rabbi Abe H. Faur discusses the importance of studying Talmud and provides tips on how to approach it.
The article discusses the unique position of Purim and Hanukkah as two of the only Rabbinic-created holidays that have become permanently established in Jewish practice.