Tag: Tree Of Life Synagogue

The writer reflects on how the events of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018, have deeply impacted their community, making them reevaluate the observance of Tisha B'Av, a day commemorating various catastrophes in Jewish history.
In the wake of the tragic Pittsburgh massacre in 2018, major Orthodox organizations unequivocally condemned the attack but hesitated to denounce white nationalism as its cause, with some attributing this reluctance to the Orthodox support for Trump and right-wing politics.
The text discusses the rise of digital anti-Semitism, focusing on the evolution from ironic online memes to dangerous ideologies that fuel acts of violence like the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting by Robert Bowers.
Pittsburgh's Jewish community, particularly in Squirrel Hill, was deeply affected by the tragic events of October 27, 2018, when a gunman attacked the Tree of Life synagogue.
The Unorthodox podcast in episode 158 features Shay Khatiri, an Iranian-born political refugee who raised over $1 million for the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the Oct. 27 massacre, discussing his asylum trial and activism.
The text discusses the concept of aninut in Jewish mourning practices and how it relates to the recent tragedy at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, where 11 people were murdered.