Tag: Vaccines

The article discusses the current state of discourse around vaccines and the polarization of opinions.
Preventive health care often takes a back seat in the Orthodox Jewish community due to the pressures of leading a frum life.
This article discusses concerns about the spike protein found in the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its potential effects on the body.
The discussion revolves around the challenges the U.S. faces regarding Putin's demands, the CDC's inconsistencies on vaccines, and the Democrats' efforts to portray Republicans as anti-democratic.
The podcast explores how to navigate daily life if a loved one contracts the Omicron variant of the virus.
The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is spreading rapidly, surpassing the Delta variant as the leading source of new infections in the United States.
The article explores the reasons why positive news about COVID-19 vaccines, such as their effectiveness in preventing severe disease and the potential of natural immunity from previous infection, may not be sinking in among the public.
The discussion covers the recent increase in U.S. COVID cases, the ongoing challenges in ending the pandemic, and debates surrounding vaccines and lockdowns.
In "The Symbolic Justice Edition," Don Futterman, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron debate topics including the vaccination requirements for school in Israel, the impact of online activities on society, and the significance of pardoning 70 convicts for Israel's 70th year.
Don Futterman, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron debate hot topics including the legality of unvaccinated children attending school in Israel, the societal impact of online activities based on income disparity, and the ethics of pardoning 70 convicts for Israel's 70th year anniversary.