Tag: Walter Benjamin

The article contemplates what philosopher Walter Benjamin would think of a viral iPad ad that condenses various forms of art into a sleek tablet using an industrial hydraulic press.
Peter Demetz, a Czech-born Jewish historian who passed away at 101, delved into the complex history of Prague, highlighting the conflicts between German and Czech factions and the persecution faced by the Jewish population.
This article discusses the life and legacy of Walter Benjamin, a renowned cultural critic of the 20th century.
Walter Benjamin, a renowned cultural critic of the 20th century, attempted to flee Nazi-occupied Europe in 1940 by hiking over the Pyrenees from France to Spain.
"The Professor of Apocalypse" by Jerry Muller is a biography that explores the life of Jacob Taubes, a Jewish thinker who had a significant impact on 20th-century thought.
The author reflects on the process of unpacking their library after moving to a new apartment.
The narrator shares a personal anecdote about accidentally painting over a Sol LeWitt artwork while working for Lawrence Weiner.
Gershom Scholem, a highly influential Israeli intellectual, had a profound impact on a wide range of figures in Israel and abroad due to his work in the history of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism.