Tag: Weimar Republic

In "Vertigo: The Rise and Fall of Weimar Germany, 1918-1933" by Harald Jhner, the chaotic period of the Weimar Republic following World War I is explored, detailing the revolution, economic turmoil, and social upheaval that shaped Germany.
During the Weimar Republic, Hitler raised concerns about the limits on amending the constitution, especially regarding President Hindenburg's term extension in the 1932 election.
In the revival of Cabaret on Broadway, the character of Herr Schultz, an older Jewish man, takes center stage alongside Fraulein Schneider, as their love story unfolds against the backdrop of rising Nazism in 1930s Berlin.
"Cabaret," a musical set in 1930s Berlin at the Kit Kat Club, explores themes of decadence, fascism, and personal choices against the backdrop of the rise of the Nazis.
The upcoming performance of Arnold Schoenberg's song cycle, "15 Poems from the Book of the Hanging Garden," highlights the composer's innovation and emotional depth.
Walther Rathenau, a German Jew, became the first Jew in Germany to reach the position of foreign minister in the Weimar Republic.
A recent case in Germany recognized the persecution of transgender individuals during the Nazi regime, marking an important step in acknowledging their experiences.
Dr. Olga Kirschbaum, a historian, delves into the intellectual circles Hannah Arendt moved in as she matured professionally in the Weimar Republic and beyond.
The correspondence between Jewish intellectuals Hannah Arendt and Gershom Scholem, spanning from 1939 to 1964, reveals a complex relationship between two influential minds grappling with their Jewish identities against the backdrop of the 20th century's challenges.