Tag: Whiteness

Alex Edelman's comedy special "Just For Us" explores themes of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and assimilation, with a focus on a Jewish comedian crashing a white supremacist meeting in Queens.
Intersectionality has led to a complex support for Palestine within various social justice movements, such as Black Lives Matter, due to the belief in a social binary dividing oppressed and oppressor groups, the understanding of whiteness as a fluid social construct benefiting those classified as white, and a commitment to solidarity in liberation struggles.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
The season one finale of Adventures in Jewish Studies delves into the complexities of Jewish identity and whiteness in America, highlighting the historical journey of Ashkenazi Jews from being marginalized as victims of anti-Semitism and white supremacy to later assimilating into mainstream white America and experiencing privilege.
The article discusses the complex relationship between Jews and whiteness in America, exploring the issue of Jews being perceived as white or not.
The article discusses the concept of "white-passing" within the Jewish community, particularly focusing on the experiences of Jews of Color.
In a recent episode of the NPR podcast Code Switch, the American Jewish experience of transitioning into the category of White was discussed, highlighting the complexities of Jewish identity within American definitions of race and ethnicity.
Dr. Caroline Light from Harvard University discusses her book, "That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South," which explores the development of a significant Jewish charity network in the American South after Reconstruction.
Dr. Caroline Light of Harvard University discusses her book "That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South" with host Gilad Halpern.
Dr. Martina Weisz examines the role of Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese colonial endeavors following their expulsion from these countries in the late 15th century.