Tag: Wokeness

The text discusses the concept of the "Photo-Negative Ideology," where myths and narratives are used to justify violence and discrimination against others in the name of progress or protection of certain groups.
During the rise of Donald Trump, parallels were drawn by some observers between his political tactics and the nationalism of Slobodan Miloevi, the leader responsible for Serbia's violent conflicts in the 1990s.
American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Matthew Continetti discusses the significance of the January 6 Committee's first hearing, examining what was learned, what the Committee proved, and why it matters.
In this Q&A session, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain address various listener questions.
In her article "We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage," Bari Weiss discusses the dangers of wokeness and the importance of courageous dissent against its authoritarian nature.
Wilfred Reilly discusses the concept of "The Whiteness of Wokeness" in his article, highlighting the trend of affluent Caucasians speaking for the needs of African-Americans and people of color.
Rita Moreno recently apologized for making comments deemed controversial in today's social climate, sparking discussions about the pressures of wokeness and public scrutiny.
Chris Stirewalt discusses his article "Republicans, Stop Believing Your Own Election Myth" which addresses misconceptions Republicans hold about voting.
The text raises questions about whether "wokeness" is giving rise to a new version of the "silent majority" concept popularized by Richard Nixon, the reasons why some fully vaccinated individuals continue to wear masks despite CDC guidance stating they don't need to, and also touches on the topic of Andrew Yang.
The article discusses the intersection of meritocracy and social justice in American education.
The article argues in defense of "wokeness" and its compatibility with Jewish values.
The article discusses the similarities between cancel culture and the tactics of 20th-century communism.
A new wave of public intellectuals, including John McWhorter, Thomas Chatterton Williams, Kmele Foster, and others, are challenging the dominant narrative of "wokeness" and racial essentialism in today's discourse on racism, advocating for a more nuanced and individual-focused approach.