Tag: Yael Steiner

This podcast episode delves into the life of Bertha Pappenheim, also known as Sigmund Freud's Anna O, a Jewish woman who defied societal norms and overcame her diagnosis to become a pioneering advocate for women's rights and a significant influence in the field of psychoanalysis.
This podcast episode delves into the lesser-known story of Rav Saadia Gaon, a significant figure in Jewish history during the Gaonic era.
In the podcast episode "The Diary of Glikl: Discovering the Exceptional within the Everyday" hosted by Jonathan Schwab and Yael Steiner, the focus is on Glikl, an 18th-century Jewish woman from Germany whose diary offers insight into personal struggles and triumphs.
Heinrich Graetz, a pioneering 19th-century German Jewish historian, challenged traditional norms and bridged the gap between Orthodox and academic Jewish worlds, transforming the landscape of Jewish history.
In this podcast episode hosted by Jonathan Schwab and Yael Steiner, the story of Edgardo Mortara is explored.
This podcast episode explores the remarkable life of Hannah Szenes, a Hungarian poet who resisted the Holocaust by escaping to pre-state Israel and undertaking a daring mission behind enemy lines.
The podcast episode discusses the discovery of the story of Wuhsha the Broker in the Cairo Geniza, shedding light on the extraordinary role of this 11th-century Jewish trader in medieval Egypt.
Donato Manduzio, a man from an Italian village, embarked on a journey to revive what he believed to be a forgotten Jewish faith after reading the Bible.
Sarra Coppia Sullam, a Jewish woman from 17th century Venice, is renowned for hosting literary salons and being accused of heresy publicly.
This episode of Jewish History Nerds delves into the life of King Herod the Great, known for his mix of madness and significant accomplishments as a Judean ruler.
The podcast discusses the transformation of the nice Jewish boy Saul/Paul of Tarsus into a Christian apostle, a figure crucial in the development of Christianity.
This podcast episode delves into the lesser-known stories of two powerful Jewish women in history, Dona Gracia Mendes and Benvenida Abrabanel, who emerged during the Spanish Inquisition.
In the podcast episode hosted by Jonathan Schwab and Yael Steiner, the focus is on the intriguing story of Khazaria, an 8th-century pagan kingdom that supposedly converted to Judaism.
In a Jewish History Nerds podcast episode, the hosts discuss Napoleon's deliberations on whether Jews could be French citizens during the French Revolution.
Josephus Flavius, a significant figure in Jewish history, stands out for his unconventional approach to historiography by not just documenting events but also inserting himself into the narrative.