Tag: Yom Ha Shoah

In honor of Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day), the text discusses Israel's journey towards grappling with the Holocaust over decades, culminating in a significant acknowledgment in 1988, 43 years after the liberation of the concentration camps.
Harry Cohen, a Montreal resident who immigrated to Canada from Poland in 1919, became Auschwitz's only Canadian Holocaust victim after being caught in Europe during Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939.
As the commemoration of Yom ha-Shoah unfolds in Poland, a debate is raging over the country's Holocaust history narrative.
Jay Baruchel, a Jewish actor, has created a new TV show called "We're All Gonna Die (Even Jay Baruchel)" where he explores various doomsday scenarios and the concept of life after death, drawing on his Jewish heritage.
In this discussion, Sally Abed, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron cover three main topics.
In this discussion, Sally Abed, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron cover various topics including the cyclic nature of violence and calm periods, Israel's decision to end the mask mandate despite ongoing COVID cases, and the idea of having a Holocaust Day that is both Jewish and Israeli.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and questions its historical justification and impact.
The author, Ben Greenfeld, has created a ritual called Seder ha-Levayah le-Yom Ha-Shoah (A Yom HaShoah Funeral Service) to provide a more meaningful and participatory way to commemorate the Holocaust remembrance day of Yom Ha-Shoah.
In a discussion titled "The 'Ugly Israelis?' Edition," the hosts delve into the significance of the phrase "Never again" regarding the Holocaust, exploring the lessons Israelis should and shouldn't draw from it, along with the unique Israeli exceptionalism linked to Holocaust memory.