Tag: Youth Movements

Israel's social resilience in the face of adversity, such as missile attacks from Iran or terrorist threats, stems from a unique collectivist core ingrained in Israeli society through values like gibush (bonding into groups) and service-oriented elite army units.
The article discusses Jewish leadership in the U.K., focusing on a study conducted by United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) and the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) to identify and support current and future Jewish leaders.
A recent study conducted by Rosov Consulting for the United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) and the Jewish Leadership Council (JLC) in the U.K. aimed to assess Jewish leadership structures.
The author reflects on their 30 years of involvement in Jewish summer camps, emphasizing the importance of these camps as transformative spaces for young Jews to explore their identity and form deep connections within the community.
During the Holocaust, a group of young Jewish women formed the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) in the Warsaw ghetto.