Tag: Zoom

Eros Salvatore, a writer and activist, has been connecting with Palestinians in Gaza through social media to raise awareness about their dire circumstances and help them access resources.
The author discusses their experience of saying Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for mourners, after the death of their father and mother.
This article discusses the impact of technology on the Jewish community.
In response to the current situation in Israel, a special episode hosted by Tablet Magazine and moderated by Liel Liebovitz aims to address the background and questions surrounding the conflict.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many synagogues have shifted to online platforms like Zoom for worship, classes, and meetings.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, one family has found solace and connection through a weekly Shabbat Zoom call that has continued even after the public health emergency ended.
As synagogues plan for in-person Rosh Hashanah services, some members continue to prefer attending virtually due to fear of catching COVID-19.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the renowned sex therapist and author, has been keeping busy during the pandemic with Zoom lectures, meetings, and even running lines with an actress preparing to portray her in a play.
Advances in technology and growing interest among women have led to an uptick in women studying Talmud.
The article discusses the initial introduction of radio in America in the 1920s and how it caused anxiety and confusion among consumers.
During the challenging time of mourning her parents, the author found solace and connection through participating in a daily Zoom minyan for Kaddish recitation at her Reconstructionist synagogue.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the frum dating world to shift online, with Zoom dating becoming the new norm.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many bar and bat mitzvah celebrations have been disrupted or adapted to virtual platforms such as Zoom.
YIVO, an organization that promotes Yiddish language and culture, successfully completed its largest-ever Yiddish summer program, despite the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic.
The author shares her personal experience of holding a Zoom shiva following her mother's death due to complications from COVID-19.
In this heartfelt personal reflection, the author describes his experience of sitting shiva for his father via Zoom during the pandemic.
In this episode of Lunch Dates (Ep. 224), A.J. Jacobs discusses his love for Zoom dining and reflects on gratitude during challenging times.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the author reflects on their experience attending virtual mourning rituals after a friend's mother's passing, unable to physically attend the funeral and shiva.