Tag: Abraham Lincoln

In a prayer composed 240 years ago by Hendla Jochanan van Oettingen of New York’s Congregation Shearith Israel, he prayed for George Washington shortly after the Revolutionary War.
Abraham Lincoln's Lecture on Discoveries and Inventions sheds light on his philosophical perspective and concerns about democratic institutions and technological advancements.
The author discusses different perspectives on freedom from various American authors from the Civil War era.
This article discusses the phenomenon of (mis)quoting Scripture in American politics, highlighting examples from Abraham Lincoln, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence.
In the aftermath of Abraham Lincoln's assassination in 1865, a religious controversy arose when President Andrew Johnson declared a day of mourning that coincided with the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.
The discussion revolves around the political history related to the biblical figure Queen Esther and her influence on Western politics during moments of great polarization.
The text explores the claim that Abraham Lincoln may have had Jewish ancestry based on a story reported in the Hebrew newspaper Ha-Magid in the 1860s.
Rafi Eis discusses the resurgence of nationalism worldwide and its relevance to Jews and Torah, focusing on Yoram Hazony's book "The Virtue of Nationalism" and Rabbi Meir Soloveichik's critique.
"Lincoln and the Jews" explores Abraham Lincoln's interactions with the Jewish community during the Civil War era.
"Saving Private Ryan," directed by Steven Spielberg, at its core, portrays an act of compassion mirroring Jewish law and custom, reflecting the biblical principle of shiluach haken and emphasizing the importance of filial piety.
"Lincoln," a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Tony Kushner, portrays Abraham Lincoln as the ultimate mensch - a skilled psychologist, interpreter of dreams, and clever legal mind.