Tag: Affordability

Rabbi Saul Emanuel, executive director of the Jewish Community Council of Montreal and head of Montreal Kosher (MK), discusses the high cost of kosher meat and responds to criticisms about traditional kosher rules impacting affordability and job opportunities.
The author argues that while philanthropy is crucial for supporting Jewish education, it should be directed towards consumers rather than schools to make education more affordable.
In response to a proposal to stop funding Jewish day schools, the author argues that the primary reason for high tuition costs is not frivolous spending but the necessity of hiring quality faculty and providing individualized education.
The article addresses the issue of affordability in Jewish day schools, pointing out that despite significant philanthropic donations, the cost of Jewish education continues to rise, making it increasingly challenging for families to afford.
The piece reflects on Portland's transformation from a scrappy, welcoming city to a place experiencing rapid gentrification and demographic shifts.
Jay Kelman discusses the issue of affordability in Jewish day school education, proposing a solution that focuses on using monies raised to address current needs rather than relying solely on endowments.