Tag: Akedah

The article explores the concept of martyrdom in Judaism through the lens of the tragic death of Alina Palhati at a rave in Israel.
Parashat Chayei Sarah discusses the death of Sarah and its aftermath, following the Akedah (binding of Isaac).
The text explores the narratives of Sarah, Hagar, Abraham, and Isaac in the Torah, particularly focusing on the exile of Ishmael and Hagar and the binding of Isaac.
Isaac, one of the revered patriarchs of the Jewish people, often appears passive, drab, and gullible in the biblical narrative.
The Zohar emphasizes encountering the divine in everyday life through relationships with others, contrasting with mystical approaches that seek to transcend reality.
The article discusses the parallels between Shakespeare's play "King Lear" and the biblical story of the binding of Isaac.
The text discusses the complex interplay between faith, history, and personal trauma within a Jewish family, especially in relation to the story of Abraham and Isaac.