Tag: Argentina

Gabriel Lichtmann's Purim film, "The Red Star," tells the story of Laila Salama, a fictional character who is a Jewish secret agent in Argentina.
Diego Schwartzman, a Jewish Argentine tennis player, faced off against Egor Gerasimov, a powerful new talent, at the US Open.
AJC Passport's recent episode features Dina Siegel Vann discussing the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the AMIA building in Buenos Aires and Argentina's current stance on Hezbollah.
"The Silence of Malka" is a graphic novel set in a Jewish settlement in Argentina at the end of the 19th century, featuring a golem created to help a struggling farmer and his family.
Professor Ruti Teitel explores how societies grapple with collective trauma, seeking forgiveness and coping with injustice in the aftermath of violence.
Professor Ruti Teitel explores how societies grapple with collective trauma and seek forgiveness after experiencing major violence and injustices.
Lionel Messi and the Argentinian national soccer team decided to cancel a friendly match in Israel following threats from Palestinian terrorists led by Jibril Rajoub.
The text discusses the author's experience with an Argentinian dish called carbonada criolla, a beef stew traditionally served in a pumpkin or squash.
The U.S. women's national soccer team secured a triumphant win over Japan in the FIFA World Cup final, redeeming their loss from 2011 with a 5-2 victory.
In the film "The German Doctor," director Luca Puenzo creates a fictionalized account of Josef Mengele's time in Patagonia, Argentina, portraying him as a friendly but sinister figure named Jos Mengele experimenting with genetics.
"The German Doctor" is a film adapted by Argentinian filmmaker Lucia Puenzo from her novel "Wakolda," which explores a chance meeting between a mysterious doctor based on Josef Mengele and an Argentinian family in 1960.
Andrés Cantor, known for his iconic "GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL" call in soccer, gained fame during the 1994 World Cup.