Tag: Article

The article "Haley's Tank is Running Low" discusses a post from Mishpacha Magazine about a person named Haley whose emotional and physical energy is depleted.
The article "All Our Relations" was posted on Jewschool.
The 2023 Moment Gala celebrated courageous and talented individuals whose voices deserve recognition.
In this Friday Kibbitz article, the author asks readers about their favorite snack for road trips.
In a discussion on the podcast, Liel Leibovitz talks about his article in COMMENTARY magazine titled "The Return of Paganism."
Eli Lake discusses his article "The Iraq War, 20 Years Later" on a podcast, but first, the conversation touches on Donald Trump's recent speech at CPAC and a New York Post story regarding Anthony Fauci's actions in February 2020.
The article provides a timeline of significant milestones in the history of Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher.
Kentucky State University Professor Wilfred Reilly discusses in his new piece about how Democrats have turned neurosis into a political brand in the context of the new definition of racism.
Eli Lake, a COMMENTARY contributing editor, discusses the need for America to adapt to a changing world, specifically in its relationships with Russia and China.
The text suggests that the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States may be approaching in a matter of weeks.
Tom Cotton has referenced a piece by former New York Times science reporter Nicholas Wade, published on Medium, regarding the lab leak hypothesis of Covid-19.
The text is a brief mention of Wilfred Reilly's article in COMMENTARY magazine about a discussion focusing on "The Good News They Won't Tell You About Race in America."
Jonathan Schanzer discusses in his article "Countering a Corrupt China" how Beijing has increased its influence in international institutions and suggests strategies to reduce this influence following the COVID-19 outbreak.
"Jules Feiffer's American Follies" is a piece that offers a perspective on the current state of American society through the lens of a Jewish journalist.