Tag: Austria

The Lungau region in Austria's Salzburgerland is a picturesque area known for its stunning alpine landscapes, rich local traditions, and commitment to sustainability.
This week's Antisemitism Monitor highlights several incidents.
Plans to repurpose Adolf Hitler's birth house in Braunau, Austria, into a police station have caused controversy.
"When Canines Were in the Land" is a book edited by Susan Martha Kahn that tells the story of Rudolphina Menzel, a scientist and Zionist who played a significant role in reconciling Jews and dogs.
Unidentified perpetrators vandalized a synagogue in Graz, Austria by spray-painting the words "Free Palestine" and "our country and our language are red lines" on its walls.
The overthrow of Communism and the end of the Cold War were marked by various significant events across Eastern Europe.
Austria is commemorating the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, a significant event during which nearly all of Vienna's synagogues were destroyed, leading to the forced exodus of Jews from Austria.
In 2017, far-right parties like Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Austria's Freedom Party (FP) gained significant electoral success fueled by anti-immigrant and xenophobic sentiments.
The head of Austria's Jewish community criticized prosecutors for not indicting authors of an article in a far-right magazine affiliated with the FPO party that labeled Holocaust survivors at Mauthausen as murderers and criminals.
Austria has reached a significant milestone in coming to terms with its Nazi past as Chancellor Wolfgang Schssel declared legal peace after a federal judge in New York dismissed the last major Holocaust restitution case against Austria.