Tag: Baal Teshuvah

Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith of Aish.com discusses the impact of October 7, a significant date in Jewish history, on kiruv efforts and Jewish identity.
The story explores a dilemma faced by Shif, torn between attending her boss Devorah's wedding and her best friend Yaeli's wedding that fall on the same day.
The term "baal teshuvah" refers to secular or non-Orthodox Jews who become Orthodox.
David Caplan's poetry collection "Baal Teshuvah Poetics" explores the complex inner world of a baal teshuvah, a Jew who returns to Orthodoxy, particularly through the lens of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement.
The text explores two contrasting paradigms of repentance seen through anecdotes in the Talmud.
In Johannesburg, South Africa, a new eruv construction sparked opposition due to security concerns, reflecting the unique challenges faced by the Jewish community in a country with a history of high crime rates.