Tag: Biblical Museum Of Natural History

The author reflects on their 49th birthday, noting the difference in how birthdays are celebrated in their family compared to their wife's family.
The text discusses the emotional and historical significance of the Israeli slogan "Ein Li Eretz Acheret, I have no other country," highlighting the fact that for many Jews, Israel is their only homeland due to historical persecutions and lack of acceptance in other countries.
In this discussion of animals in the Torah, the focus is on the classification of birds as kosher and non-kosher.
The 2023 Impact Report for the Biblical Museum of Natural History has been released, showcasing stories of individuals impacted, visitor statistics, upcoming projects, and ways to engage.
The author discusses her experience as a parent in Israel, where she and her husband had to choose a specific religious community for their children to be a part of.
The author discusses the message of the Biblical Museum of Natural History, which emphasizes how animals are a part of the cultural heritage of different nations.
The Biblical Museum of Natural History emphasizes that every culture has animals that are significant in its heritage.
The article discusses the impact of trauma on children during war in Israel.
The text discusses a Midrash about the significance of animals in relation to the Jewish people.
The author discusses the controversy surrounding the kashrut of a particular species, which is commonly assumed to be not kosher.
The author discusses the laws of kashrut for birds and the different viewpoints of Jewish scholars regarding the signs that determine whether a bird is kosher or non-kosher.
The author discusses a case of a man from the charedi community in Bnei Brak or Beitar who was arrested in Madagascar for turtle trafficking.
The author addresses the question of whether it is a sin to kill a giraffe and provides insights into why giraffe meat is not commonly consumed within the Jewish community.
The Biblical Museum of Natural History has opened the Art of the Ark exhibit, showcasing over 100 artistic representations of Noah's Ark from around the world.