Tag: Biden

The text discusses how President Biden's administration addressed issues that arose from statements made by his homeland security secretary implying leniency towards illegal border crossings.
The text discusses the potential challenge politicians might face in relinquishing the extensive powers they gained during the pandemic, now that the vaccine offers hope for normalcy.
The podcast discusses the positive news about the COVID-19 vaccine, particularly in Israel, and questions why there is still a focus on negative aspects by elites.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not receive a phone call from President Joe Biden in the first days following Biden's inauguration, unlike other world leaders who were promptly contacted by the new U.S. president.
In this podcast discussion, the topic of a potential negotiation between President Biden and ten Republicans regarding bipartisan COVID relief is raised.
The podcast discusses the criticism aimed at Republicans by the Biden team, questions if Biden was overly negative in his recent "I won" speech, and explores the idea that Democrats are perceived as opposing fun.
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss the unraveling of the legal case surrounding Trump and the departure of his legal team, questioning whether it is more amusing or concerning, and speculating on the consequences.
The podcast discusses the transition from the Trump presidency to President-elect Biden, emphasizing the role conservative ideas of manliness should play in governing Biden's behavior and managing expectations for his supporters.
This article discusses the concept of hope in California, particularly in relation to the upcoming 2020 election.
The podcast explores the idea that Americans have historically been enamored with conspiracy theories and asks whether this is a long-standing phenomenon.
The podcast explores the recent Trump-Biden town halls and their impact and discusses a potential scenario in which President Trump could win the election despite trailing in most polls.
Recent polling indicates a shift towards Donald Trump along with increasing worries about urban unrest, a connection being overlooked by the media.