Tag: British Jewry

Former UK government minister and MP Robert Halfon discusses the challenges facing the Conservative party as polls predict a significant loss in the upcoming election.
Michael Gove, a prominent British politician who recently decided not to seek re-election, has been a strong ally to the Jewish community and supporter of Israel throughout his career.
The text discusses the importance of having a British Jewish History Month to recognize and celebrate the contributions of British Jews to various fields like art, literature, music, and more.
Rabbi Yitsy David, a Sephardic Jew, is working to promote and preserve the diverse heritage and culture of Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in the UK, aiming to educate Jewish schools about their history and traditions.
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understanding of Judaism in students, beyond just knowledge acquisition.
Reform and Liberal Judaism are considering joining forces to create a unified Progressive entity, rooted in the desire to modernize and adapt Jewish practices to contemporary beliefs and values.
Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch of Britain, has passed away at the age of 96.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron delve into significant topics such as protests over rising prices in Israel, questioning the judgement of ultra-Orthodox soldiers compared to others, and debating the cancellation of humanities matriculation exams starting next year in Israel.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics.
The text discusses various topics related to Jewish history and culture.
Dr. Sharman Kadish, a historian specializing in British Jewry, discusses with host Gilad Halpern the demographic and cultural development of the Jewish community in Great Britain.