Tag: Christian Jewish Relations

Meir Soloveichik, in a comprehensive article in the National Review, discusses the unique place of Jews in America compared to their historical treatment in other countries.
Robert Chazan, a leading scholar in the field of Jewish history and Christian-Jewish relations in the high Middle Ages, has died at the age of 87.
Dr. Karma Ben-Johanan, a religion scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, explores Christian-Jewish relations post-World War II in her book "Jacob's Younger Brother: Christian-Jewish relations after Vatican II."
In this podcast episode, Dr. Karma Ben-Johanan, a religion scholar at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, talks about her book "Jacob's Younger Brother: Christian-Jewish relations after Vatican II."
The Philos Project, a pro-Israel Christian group, has launched the Philos Action League (PAL), a network of volunteers who show up to support Jewish communities whenever and wherever antisemitic attacks occur.
In this discussion, George Weigel explores the impact of the Second Vatican Council on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism.
This text explores themes of Jewish identity, Zionism, and the challenges faced by Jews throughout history.
In this article, the author discusses the history of blood libel accusations against Jews and its connection to current conspiracy theories, such as the QAnon movement.
The article criticizes Hallmark's Hanukkah movies, "Double Holiday" and "Holiday Date," for portraying Jews as outsiders and not authentically representing Jewish traditions.