Tag: Decision Making

Learning to maintain a poker face is highlighted as a valuable skill in various aspects of life, especially in relationships and parenting.
In this week's Parashah Vayishlach, the internal struggles we face on a daily basis are likened to the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel to receive the name "Israel."
Shayna Goldberg's book "What Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear in Decision Making at Lifes Crossroads and in Everyday Living" analyzes the difficulties people face in making decisions today and provides practical guidance for making the best decisions based on trust rather than fear.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Agnes Callard, a professor of philosophy, discusses the philosophy of change.
Eli Lake, a columnist for Bloomberg View, discusses Joe Biden's plan to withdraw all NATO forces from Afghanistan on the anniversary of 9/11, questioning the rationale behind this decision.
In this podcast episode, David introduces a discussion on why people join and leave religion and what we can learn from their decisions.
Lou Schizas believes that life boils down to the choices we make, emphasizing personal responsibility and a capitalist outlook on facing life's challenges alone.