Tag: Dementia

In the poem "Kaddish for the Living," the author explores the experience of facing her mother's dementia with both tenderness and grief.
"Travelers to Unimaginable Lands" is an insightful book that explores the experiences of caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease.
The author reflects on the influence of her two mothers on her identity as a woman, wife, and mother.
The narrator of the story recounts a conversation with their mother about their dying grandmother.
In this personal reflection, the author describes his relationship with his father, who was a self-made man in the dry cleaning business.
"The Tunnel" by A.B. Yehoshua tells the story of Zvi Luria, a retired engineer in his seventies who is diagnosed with incipient dementia.
Keith Gessen's novel "A Terrible Country" delves into the life of Andrei, a Russian-American academic returning to Moscow to care for his grandmother, exploring themes of identity, loneliness, and connections between past and present.
The author reflects on their grandmother's battle with Alzheimer's Disease and the challenges of incorporating Jewish practices into her life as the dementia progressed.