Tag: Draft

Israel's Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, has ruled to draft all Charedim into the army, causing uproar in the ultra-Orthodox community that views Torah study as paramount.
A proposal has emerged from Charedi parties in Israel suggesting drafting approximately 25% of yeshiva students annually, possibly rising to nearly 50%, a significant departure from longstanding opposition to the draft due to concerns about impacting religious practice.
Israel's High Court decision to draft yeshivah bochurim into the IDF has sparked debate.
The issue of drafting yeshivah students into the Israeli army has become a focal point in Israeli politics, with the High Court ruling the exemption for Torah learners illegal in 2017.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Linda Gradstein, and Noah Efron discuss the push for new elections in Israel and question if it is a good idea.
In this excerpt from "One Hundred Autobiographies: A Memoir" by David Lehman, the narrator recounts seeking advice from a wise man in the synagogue on how to avoid the draft during the Vietnam War.
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts.