Tag: Ecclesiastes

Rabbi Michael S. Beals, known as President Joe Biden's rabbi, suggests that it may be time for Biden to step aside for the greater good of safeguarding democracy, drawing parallels to the biblical concept of Pikuach nefesh, or saving a soul.
Debra Band's illustrated volume "Qohelet: Searching for a Life Worth Living" with commentary by Menachem Fisch delves into the existential ponderings of the biblical book of Kohelet, or Ecclesiastes, attributed to King Solomon.
Rabbi Donniel Hartman discusses the moral complexities Israel faces in times of conflict, emphasizing the dangers of embracing unwavering belief in its own morality.
The article discusses the concept of climate anxiety and its similarity to religious expressions of fear and repentance.
In Peter Cole's book "Draw Me After," the poet explores the meaning of Jewishness in relation to art, specifically drawing.
The article explores the connections between the James Bond film Spectre and the Jewish festival of Sukkot.
Peter Kreeft, a Catholic philosopher, discusses the philosophical themes in the book of Ecclesiastes during an interview with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver.
The article explores the similarities between the biblical book of Ecclesiastes and Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
This article discusses how Jewish thinkers reconcile the tension between determinism and human purpose.
Steven Weitzman explores the complexities of Solomon's legacy and the quest for Jewish origins in his book "The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a Rootless Age."
In three sonnets by Jeffrey Burghauser, the first poem describes an old man playing a banjo during a storm, showcasing the idea that all storms have equal destructive power.
Robert Alter's translation of the Hebrew Bible into English aims to provide a more accurate and forceful version of the text, with a focus on the Wisdom Books - Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.