Tag: Ellis Island

In episode 370 of Unorthodox, the podcast delves into the topic of name changes, exploring the truth behind the myth of name changes at Ellis Island.
In this episode of Unorthodox, they revisit a 2019 segment about the myth of name changes at Ellis Island, exploring the real story behind it.
In her book "Under Quarantine: Immigrants and Disease at Israel's Gate," historian Rhona Seidelman explores the history and impact of Shaar Haaliya, a quarantine camp established by Israel during the early years of statehood.
Israel's early efforts to manage mass immigration and prevent the spread of disease are highlighted in historian Rhona Seidelman's book "Under Quarantine: Immigrants and Disease at Israel's Gate."
The Forward has contributed to the new Urban Archive app, which makes historical materials accessible.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts explore Jewish last names and share stories of name changes from both hosts and listeners.
In response to a documentary report on Rabbi Soloveitchik's arrival in America, Tovah Lichtenstein critiques the focus on trivial details like her sister's name in ship manifest instead of the broader context of the Rabbi's encounter with Boston's Jews.
The author reflects on growing up in New York City's Lower East Side, recalling the immigrant neighborhood's synagogues, kosher delis, and colorful characters who influenced his worldview.