Tag: Etgar Quiz

The Etgar Quiz no 275 includes questions about Jewish topics such as special products of Israel, the Ladino language, Israeli highways, Devorah in the Tanach, the Ohel Moed gatherings, and the song "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav."
This text is a quiz containing questions about Jewish topics such as Rashi's birthplace, the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin, the origins of the Israeli national anthem "Hatikvah," the first president of Israel, the first city conquered by the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, and the blessing for eating fish.
The Etgar Quiz no 273 features questions on various Jewish topics.
The Etgar Quiz no 272 poses questions related to Jewish knowledge, including identifying the source of Eishet Chayil, the Torah portion with the most sections, quarters of the Old City of Jerusalem, locations in Israel, the reason why the Tribe of Levi did not have land, and the food provided to the Children of Israel in the desert.
This text is an Etgar Quiz featuring questions related to Jewish knowledge.
The Etgar Quiz no 270 featured questions on Jewish knowledge and technology.
This text presents a quiz with questions related to Israel, Jewish history, and culture.
The Etgar Quiz covers various Jewish topics: a Nobel Prize-winning poet who escaped Nazi Germany (Nelly Sachs), a Chasidic Rebbe and university professor (Rav Yitzchak Twersky), the reasons for Nadav and Avihu's death in the Torah (bringing a forbidden sacrifice), the ship Exodus with Jewish refugees (departed in 1947), shatnez rules (forbidding wool and linen garments), and leaving part of the field for the poor to harvest (pe'ah).
The Etgar Quiz no 267 features questions related to Jewish traditions and rituals.
The text presents a quiz with questions related to Jewish and Israeli knowledge.
The Etgar Quiz no 265 tests knowledge on Jewish topics such as the destruction of the Second Bet Hamikdash by the Romans, Israel's second Prime Minister (Moshe Sharet), the significance of tzitzit in relation to keeping all the mitzvot, the concluding prayer of a service (Aleinu), which animals might be kosher (locust), and the number of sedarim in the Mishnah (six).
The Etgar Quiz discusses various aspects of Purim and the Book of Esther.
Etgar Quiz no. 263 presents a series of multiple-choice questions related to Jewish knowledge and tradition.
Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture.
The Etgar quiz discusses various topics related to Jewish history and culture.
The Etgar Quiz no 260 poses questions to test knowledge on Jewish topics, such as identifying the odd item out (boots being the answer as others are High Priest garments), scenarios where saving one's life involves prohibitions like worshiping idols, identifying the earliest founded location (Rishon le Zion), the destroyer of the Second Temple (the Romans), the author of the short story Yentl (Isaac Bashevis Singer), and the color set absent in the Israeli game Taki (purple).
This text is a quiz containing questions about various Jewish topics.
The Etgar Quiz no 258 covers various Jewish-themed questions.
This quiz covers various Jewish trivia questions, such as food eaten by the Children of Israel in the desert, the leader who brought the Jewish people into Israel (Yehoshua), David Ben Gurion's retirement location (The Negev), the biblical origin of the Edomites (Esau), the first Israeli to present a prize at the Golden Globes (Gal Gadot), and the father of Chasidism also known as Baal Shem Tov.
The Etgar Quiz no 254 features questions related to Jewish knowledge and history.
The Etgar Quiz no. 253 poses questions on various Jewish topics.
The Etgar Quiz includes questions about Jewish knowledge.
This text is a quiz comprising six questions related to Jewish knowledge and Israel.
This text is from the Etgar Quiz no 249, which includes questions about Jewish figures and trivia.
The text presents a quiz with questions related to Jewish history and Israel.