Tag: Fox News

The article discusses the unsettling feeling experienced by many Americans after watching the 2024 Presidential debate between two elderly candidates - one ethically compromised and the other cognitively challenged.
A 73-year-old man named Bernie Sanders, living in Beit Shemesh, Israel, shares a name with but starkly differs in beliefs from the well-known senator from Vermont.
Tucker Carlson, recently removed from Fox News, has started a new show on Twitter which is filled with antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and hateful rhetoric.
Israel recently celebrated its 75th birthday amidst internal tensions, highlighted by the unsure status of a judicial overhaul and revisiting Netanyahu's foreign press campaign.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) launched an internal investigation after Fox News criticized some of its educational materials for allegedly including progressive ideas.
In a recent podcast episode, Joe Biden's op-ed in the New York Times discussing Medicare reforms is critiqued while also touching on the topics of Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems.
Noah Rothman is leaving the podcast to join National Review, with his last discussion focusing on recent events including the ongoing balloon madness, debilitated senators and potential solutions, and the legal actions of Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News.
Rapper Kanye West's recent antisemitic remarks, both in a Fox News interview and on social media, highlight the normalization of Jew-hatred in American society.
The article discusses the existence of cancel culture on both the Left and the Right.
Tucker Carlson's recent espousal of the Great Replacement Theory on Fox News has sparked controversy and raised concerns about its anti-Semitic history.
In a podcast episode substituting Noah Rothman with Fox News political editor Chris Stirewalt, the main topic of discussion revolves around whether anything holds significance, particularly regarding the current state of the election.
Allison, Don, and Noah explore the rise of Israel's right-wing news network, likening it to "Fox News for the Jews."
Fox News barred Jewish, openly gay Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger from participating in their debate despite him meeting the debate requirement of receiving over 1% in some accurate polls, citing that online polls didn't count.