Tag: Get

Malky Berkowitz, an Orthodox woman seeking a divorce, faces obstacles as her husband refuses to grant her a get.
This text tells the story of a woman named Adina who is trapped in her marriage and unable to obtain a get, a Jewish divorce document, from her husband.
The recent New Jersey appellate court decision upheld a woman's right to use social media to mobilize social pressure in seeking a Jewish divorce when her husband refuses to grant it, protecting her freedom of speech under the First Amendment.
Gary Lesin-Davis, an English criminal lawyer, has gained expertise in using English law to prosecute Orthodox Jewish husbands who refuse to grant their wives a Jewish bill of divorce, known as a get.
The article discusses a case where a group of Orthodox Jewish men, including rabbis, were involved in a torture-for-hire scheme targeting husbands who refused to grant their wives a Jewish divorce document known as a get.
The author recounts her experience going through both a civil and a Jewish divorce within a year and a half of marriage.
In wrapping up the study of Tractate Gittin in the Talmud, readers confront the grounds for divorce under Jewish law.