Tag: Government Funding

The article discusses a campaign led by Western government-funded NGOs under the guise of human rights that targets Israel and the Jewish people, using tactics including delegitimization and demonization.
The concept of taxation has deep roots in Jewish history, stemming from the biblical practice of tithing, wherein individuals gave a portion of their income for redistribution to support various societal needs.
Dr. Elana Sztokman highlights Rabbi Eliyahu Mali's call for the annihilation of all people in Gaza, including babies, and the lack of action to address or condemn his views.
Jewish schools in the UK benefit from substantial government funding, leading to high attendance rates among Jewish children.
The Belz Hasidic community in Israel is reportedly close to integrating secular studies into their educational system and receiving government funding for it.
In this episode, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss several topics.
In this edition, Sally Abed, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss the important topics of Israel potentially accepting refugees from Ukraine, the dropping of sexual assault charges against a prominent figure in the gay community, and the allocation of government funds to make Shabbat more meaningful for secular individuals.